Monday, February 21, 2011

Art and the Artist: The pianist - Girma Yifrashewa

Girma Yiferashewa! The name might not have the same household ring as the big names in Ethiopian music scene or the late prominent Ethiopian composer Professor Ashenafi kebede, whom he is greatly influenced by. But I am pretty sure you have heard his creation somewhere.. somehow...  probably in restaurants, hotels, on E-TV or while taking that long trip on Ethiopian Airline.

Tenkaraw Menfese (My strong will) by Girma Yifrashewa, from his last album 'Elilta'

Born in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia in '60s, Yifrashewa developed a love for playing musical instruments at a very young age. His first choice of instrument was however, not piano... rather kirar (a traditional string instrument).
How he ended up being the master of piano that he is today is a sheer tale of destiny. At age of just sixteen, Girma was accepted to study kirar at Yared School of Music in Addis Abeba. On his first tour of the school, something profound that changed the course of his life happened. 

"When I saw the grand piano there in the room at the school I fell in love with it," recalls Girma.  "I never had any other choice."

Talk about love at first sight!! After earning his diploma from Yared School of Music, he got a scholarship to pursue his education at the prestigious Sofia State Conservatory of Music in Bulgaria. It was then and there he established himself as a soloist. His time in graduate school, however, was not all peaches and roses. Following the fall of the former soviet union, he was strapped out of his scholarship funds and had to go through financial hardship. Despite all, with strong personal discipline and drive, he managed to complete his studies in good standing. He toured around Europe showcasing his talent until his return back home in mid 1990s.

He thought piano at Yared School of Music until 2001 and is currently involved in his own private projects. His main mission of promoting classical music around the motherland has taken him around the continent. Girma  is actually the fist Ethiopian pianist to perform widely in Africa. In a spirit of passing his knowledge and skills to the next generation, he also offers piano lessons to students of various age groups in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. 

He has few albums out which are absolutely a challenge to put your hands on (esp. if you live out of Ethiopia).  If you are lucky enough to own it, you would share my sentiments. And if you ever have the opportunity to cop one of his CDs, it is all worth every penny... birr... shiling... you spend on it.  His latest CD 'Elilta' is one of my absolute favorite classical album of all time. Ever since I received it from a generous friend (shout-outs, girl), I had to listen to it at least once a week to stay sane. It is that great... check out some of the audio snippets from his  Official website . (a little tip: all the audios start together. Make sure to pause the other two to enjoy each. )

The man himself, Pianist Girma Yifrashewa
Source ]

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